its 5:01 not sure what the hell just happened.i went to bed pretty late, maybe 01:30 to 02:00. i had this overly vivid dream, i was in this shared home among a few different people. i dont know why, something about not being able to get back home right now. and there it was.… Read More

I think I ended up sleeping for a full 12 hours, something around there. Its been quite some time since that has happened. all I can keep thinking about is deerboi, over and fucking over again. it’s helping me keep my head on straight and stopping me from doing some stupid shit, but its unhealthy.… Read More

im not sure what it is. i hate myself for even thinking about it. im so fucking alone and i cant come to terms with it that i try and find something to fill the hole, even if it means making excuses. i have to stop myself from thinking or doing something stupid. i cant… Read More

im not sure what it is with me recently but holy shit im lacking so much energy right now. maybe its the caffeine getting worse but by the middle of the day im ready to go back to bed. ive reduced my intake on energy drinks from upwards of 700-800mg a day to maybe 400.… Read More

i guess now is a short reminder that you should at least ask about certain things in your life that seem normal to you but not others. i.e. as I grew up, my mother always smoked in the car. she also had a lot of booze while driving. as I grew up as a kid,… Read More

yesterday feels like a fever dream. maybe its because i wasnt on my normal schedule of going to the office early in the morning and doing everything there, or maybe it was because i stayed up until 1 am again for the first time in a while. im not sure. i used to stay up… Read More

went to go pick up some needed items for personal care – no not dildos. had what i’d call a mental flashbang that seemed to happen so quick. anyways, where did i leave off? oh right, the manipulation. so during therapy, this was court assigned. it was required and it was intended to bring back… Read More

im not sure what kind of human psycological magic there is to doing this but i can certainly say that it has helped to scream at this ocean of data. i went ahead and uploaded some older content before this nest was created, some explicit stuff that is most likely best to keep just between… Read More

This story takes place in the bedroom of Kaizen & Ryxor, this time with the couple as well as an additional person in their love session. Kaizen & Ryxor had amazing love in bed. It wasn’t anything bad and they always did their best to communicate to one another what they liked and didn’t like.… Read More

The setting takes place in the bedroom of Kaizen & Ryxor As the day ends and the night begins, so does the thirst for lust and sex. As the duo wind down from the day, they relax a bit on the couch, sitting and cuddling next to each other in the living room. The heat… Read More