So i can say for certain that yes – porn will fuck your shit up. Maybe not instantly, maybe not within a couple of days…but with what ive seen and felt, it will not only ruin your look on things, but will ruin your relationships and bonding.

Ive been taking note of thoughts and feelings with both using porn and only using the imagination. With porn, my outlook and perspective changes sooner or later into a drug addict like state. After some uses, i begin thinking about going bigger, going to the parlors and sex clubs, and the disgusting thoughts of getting a train ran on my ass.

Without it however, things take a better turn. I seem to be more romantic in thought, wanting to do more date nights and get creative with a future partner in impressing them. I see a partner not just as someone to have sex with, but also to share a bond, share a life, and share experiences with. Your S/O isnt just someone by your side or your other half, they are both themselves and a part of you. A part of you as in the couple you are. You may be able to predict and know what theyre thinking and feeling, yet they have different skills and thoughts then you do.

Life is much more beautiful without porn and especially with the push in the tranny bullshit, its really showing its nothing more then control. Porn is simply a way to keep you dull and hooked.

The other thing is – my thoughts and feelings towards deerboi havent changed. Hes beautiful, wonderful, and i want to spend every moment i can with him. Its…a little weird…that i do have sexual thoughts about him but imagining us making love has seemed to help unhook me from the garbage of pornography. Its brought me closer to being normal and better in terms of only having sex with my partner rather then a bunch of randoms.

In a way, he has helped me a lot. I dont know if i should thank him since all of this can be odd and overwhelming…

Nevertheless, this is a step forward in improving. I need to keep my head on straight and push forward.

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