I think I’m going to make this my last note for a while. I don’t feel good, I keep seeing problems occur, I’m stressed out, I continue to accommodate and dig into my addictions just to feel a little happier in the day, and I continue to not just day dream…but dream while actually sleeping… Read More

I’m not sure what the reasoning is behind this one…and I should of written it down earlier…but I recall being in HS again. Taking a class with some folks I recognize. I recall searching through a social platform for whaleTooth for some unbeknownst reason. My old CS teacher hovering above me, chitchatting back and forth… Read More

I think I’m finally going into autopilot. Back where I am actually useful. Instead of an emotional mess always asking why does this happen, why am I so broken, what is wrong with me…it’s simply just all suppressed. I can work flawlessly, easy, and I don’t need to feel stressed. Even today’s meeting I had… Read More

So to start off with – my dumbass accidently deleted a volume with the database for this site and services on it. I’m not sure how I missed a db server running on it but got it running luckily without corruption. Second – while I had been restoring those files last night, something royally pissed… Read More

I’ve got a few different things to speak on tonight…first and quick one being I still have yet to hear from deerboi, not even a hello. I am assuming all of that at this point is dead and done for…it’s been since May 17th…or more since the 11th I guess since I’ve had a response.… Read More

I seem to have this common issue…something in which I want to express my emotion, my joy, my sorrow and anger, my sadness…tell it to someone. someone who cares and can comfort me. I’m not sure why, this seems to be a new thing…common yes but I don’t recall this being a need a couple… Read More