I seem to have this common issue…something in which I want to express my emotion, my joy, my sorrow and anger, my sadness…tell it to someone. someone who cares and can comfort me. I’m not sure why, this seems to be a new thing…common yes but I don’t recall this being a need a couple… Read More

I’m fairly certain I’ve got issues letting go of people and things…memories of people I once cherished, thoughts of my exes smiling when I saw them, pain in my chest as I so much as think about seeing another person… There’s so many issues that occur within me. It makes me question every day if… Read More

something that I had been thinking about here and there for a while, something odd…but that with many folks you speak with, success to them will bring you a wife, a big home, and anything you’d ever wanted. or at least most with financial security and all. and while I agree with most of that… Read More

got through my work today…all fine and dandy for the most part… but something that keeps perking my attention and thoughts is a meeting we had last time or the time before. one of our newest guys was asking why he wasn’t on another meeting with our boss. then it became why is it not… Read More

So woke up today with little issue and got some motivation in me to get some of my projects done. Progress was made, moving a nearly 4 year learning project into something worthwhile. And something I learned is JSON is fuckin poggies. Before, I had written PHP scripts to basically echo the elements, all the… Read More

woke up decently early to write this and a couple other things…the thunderstorm seems to have woke me up before it actually went off. while small, it was a gorgeous sight to see. for some reason I had my thoughts set on Kaizen for a bit. how he had always wanted it his way and… Read More

ive been making some progress to personal projects and overall goals, however, its not as quick as i like to see. i suspect im being burned out more through my main job, given a lot of problems occurring recently and i dont see it going well. between hearing some bullshit retard tell me what should… Read More

It seems I still find myself daydreaming about her, despite my lack of touching grass and actually speaking to her. this one’s gonna be short but I find it odd I continue to daydream. I haven’t a clue as to why, what caused it, or that she would even give me a chance. I’d honestly… Read More

I’m slipping again and I can’t figure out why or what. I thought I was doing so well for a while and then I slingshotted back into the bad part of me. except instead of wanting to screw guys, it just seems to be gals. sure, maybe I’m going back to factory settings, but what… Read More

yeah, this one’s gonna be interesting… so femboys have been this common trend. guys, specifically skinny young lads that act and usually dress very feminine. Normally, sure do whatever you want. But coming from a dude who…tried that…there’s far too many things wrong to even get started. First, let’s talk about the clothing. Most I’ve… Read More